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Sewing Royalty!
A shirt and sticker design for an amazing group of people who made thousands of masks. Socially distanced of course.

Fighting doesn't make you a hero.
But curb appeal does! Fun shirt design for Red Stem Landscape and Design.

Flight with a Flight
Logo design for a bird watching company that combines local distilleries with their tours.

Jacob Pebley, Olympian!
Shirt design for our local swimming celebrity. Not a "real" image of Jacob, coach Rick said he would never reach over the center like that.

Cell Phone Sick Bay window lettering
Install in McMinnville. There is a store in Corvallis too. Go here if your phone bonks.

Climb. Conquer. Cure.
Firefighters, stairs, raising money. Oh, and with all your gear on. Shirt design for some tough men and women.

Teach a man to fish…
Computer illustration for the F/V Perseverance fishing vessel. This was screen printed on sweatshirts. Super cool.

Perfect Touch
Perfect Touch trade show booth. We designed and printed the stand up banners, table runner and logo banner. Cool product!

Mustangs Baseball
Corvallis Mustangs Baseball Team. We are the official printer of all Mustangs garments.

Sasquatch is Real
Shirt design for a ladies softball team in Portland Oregon, playing in Vegas, representing our Northwest.

Poster design for the Corvallis Theaters’ presentation of Mary Poppins. She really flies!

Lady Knights
Logo redesign for Lady Knights softball jerseys. Teams of 10u and 12u really good softball players.

Where there is high school, there are Freshman. CHS makes them feel super cool with this shirt.

For my Crush ladies. Your logo. Sorry I missed you in the first round. Pretty much the coolest softball team in Portland. We good?

Super Proud
We are super proud of our work on the First Alt walls, it deserved two posts. We were on ladders after all.

These walls can talk
Vinyl lettering cut at Element Graphics, installed at First Alternative North Store.

T-shirt design for the Corvallis Aquatic Team’s annual training trip in Hawaii. Work hard, play hard.

Rule the Pool
T-shirt design for the Corvallis Aquatic Team, Championship squad. Rule the pool and represent.

Logo Design for Bustle. This cute Corvallis shop offers women’s clothing, home decor, specialty, coffee, teas & treats.

Luck of the Irish
Boys and girls performance shirts for Corvallis Irish Dancers. These shirts are super cute and the kids are super good dancers.